

【Piano Master Class】 Corey Hamm

Piano Master Class

主講人: Corey Hamm(加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學音樂學院專任鋼琴教授)


J.S.Bach:Partita No.2 in c minor BWV 826
Piano:陳皓川 Hao Chuan,Chen

W.A.Mozart:Rondo A minor for piano,K.511
Piano:黃韻如 Yun-Ju, Huang

F.Liszt:Sonetto 47 del Petrarca

Piano:康峯 Feng

韓克立(Corey Hamm)簡歷

    加拿大鋼琴家韓克立(Corey Hamm)用他獨特的方式,以獨奏家與室內樂音樂家的身份,長期活躍在北美和亞洲地區。他所錄製長達一小時的鋼琴獨奏史詩專輯《人民聯盟永遠不會被打敗》(The People United Will Never Be Defeated!)獲得了2014Spotify最佳古典錄音獎,和2014年加拿大西部音樂獎最佳古典錄音獎。這首樂曲已經被他演奏過超過80次,他也將在2018年,此曲作曲家弗雷德里克.列夫斯基(Frederic Rzewski80歲生辰年裡演奏更多場。在90年代,韓克立的演奏和專輯錄製以法國作曲家亨利.迪悌耶的作品為主,在未來也將計畫灌錄他的鋼琴獨奏與鋼琴室內樂作品全集。同時列入計畫的鋼琴專輯安排了許多優秀作曲家,包括:凱斯.哈默(Keith Hamel)、約瑟琳.摩諾克(Jocelyn Morlock)、喬丹.諾博斯(Jordan Nobles)、桃樂絲.張(Dorothy Chang)、和史考特.葛登(Scott Godin)。韓克立也打算灌錄更多的鋼琴與二胡二重奏專輯,最近的錄音計畫為約瑟琳.摩諾克的作品。
    同時,韓克立為他的室內樂組合組合The Nu:BC Collective(鋼琴、長笛、大提琴)和Hammerhead Consort(雙鋼琴、雙打擊樂)委託創作了超過50多首作品。The Nu:BC Collective發佈了廣受好評的專輯Beyond Shadows;而Hammerhead Consort更是獲獎無數,包含1992年成為加拿大全國室內音樂比賽的獲獎者,1993年獲得Sir Ernest Macmillan爵士紀念基金會室內樂獎。
    近年來,韓克立研究、錄製並巡演了在過去幾十年最偉大的鋼琴作品之一:長達一小時的鋼琴獨奏史詩《人民聯盟永遠不會被打敗!》(The People United Will Never Be Defeated!)。這首作品由一個主題和36個變奏組成,已經被一些鋼琴家錄製,包括鋼琴家馬克.安德烈.哈默林(Marc-André Hamelin)、烏蘇拉.歐本斯(Ursula Oppens)和史蒂芬.德魯瑞(Stephen Drury)。而韓克立的錄音被作曲家Frederic Rzewski稱讚為迄今為止最優秀之一的錄音。
    韓克立在2018年四月與溫哥華交響樂團首演了桃樂絲.張的給二胡和鋼琴的協奏曲,並與與布蘭威爾.托維(Bramwell Tovey)指揮的溫哥華交響樂團世界首演了喬丹.諾博斯的鋼琴協奏曲;與葛采果茲.諾瓦克(Grzegorz Nowak)指揮的愛明頓交響樂團協奏首演了霍華.巴蕭(Howard Bashaw)的雙鋼琴和雙打擊樂協奏曲。之後則將與溫哥華交響樂團協奏了拉威爾的左手鋼琴協奏曲、佛瑞的幻想曲和蓋西文的藍色狂想曲。
    目前韓克立於加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學音樂學院擔任專任鋼琴教授。在那裡,他被授予了著名的Killam教學獎。同時,他也是波士頓NEC暑期學院當代表演藝術的鋼琴導師。他曾師事Lydia ArtymiwMarek Jablonski Stéphane LemelinErnesto LejanoThelma Johannes O'Neill


《人民聯盟永遠不會被打敗》 ― 英屬哥倫比亞大學Corey Hamm教授鋼琴獨奏會

《人民聯盟永遠不會被打敗》 ―
英屬哥倫比亞大學Corey Hamm教授鋼琴獨奏會

鋼琴/ Corey Hamm

Frederic Rzewski (b. 1938): The People United Will Never Be Defeated! (1975)

    Corey Hamm教授為加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學音樂學院專任鋼琴教授,曾被授予校內著名的Killam教學獎,並以獨奏家與室內樂音樂家身份,長期活躍在北美和亞洲地區。長達一小時的鋼琴獨奏史詩專輯《人民聯盟永遠不會被打敗》(The People United Will Never Be Defeated!)獲得了2014Spotify最佳古典錄音獎,和2014年加拿大西部音樂獎最佳古典錄音獎。以鋼琴獨奏、室內樂和協奏曲等形式首演了超過三百多首來自世界各地的作品。

【聲音的美學:淺談當代歐洲音樂現況】Franz Martin Olbrisch


主講人: Franz Martin Olbrisch


Franz Martin Olbrisch was born in Mülheim/Ruhr (Germany) in 1952. He received his musical education at the Universität der Künste Berlin between 1979 and 1986. He has been the recipient of various prizes for example, in 1981 the Composition Prize by the city of Stuttgart, in 1984 the Boris Blacher Prize by the Karl Hofer Society Berlin, in 1990 the Carl Maria von Weber Prize by the city of Dresden. He also received in 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994 and 1997 various work scholarships awarded by the State of Berlin. Further scholarships which, for example, in 1986 took him to Italy, in 1992/93 to the ZKM in Karlsruhe, in 1998 to the Heinrich Strobel Foundation in Freiburg, in 2001 to the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel, in 2003 to the Ville Aurora in Los Angeles and in 2006 to the Cité internationale des arts in Paris for several month.
Between 1986 and 1996 he was lecturer in music theory at the Church music school in Berlin and between 1988 and 2008 lecturer in composition and studio technique at the Universität der Künste Berlin and the Technical University in Berlin. In 1994, 2004, 2006, 2010 and 2014, he was instructor of composition at the International Summer Courses in Darmstadt. Since 2008 he is professor of composition and electronic music at the University of Music Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden, since 2011 Vice-President of the GNM (German Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music), since 2013 a member of the Saxon Academy of Arts and  since 2015 Vice-President of the Saxon Academy of Arts.
His works have been performed at international festivals such as the World New Music Days in Yokohama in 2001, Stuttgart in 2006 and Beijing in 2018, the Donaueschingen Music Festival in 1993 and 2008, the Witten Days for new Chamber Music in 1992, 1999, 2008 and 2015, the Darmstadt International Summer Courses
in 1990, 1992, 1994, 2004, 2006, 2010 and 2014, the Festival ECLAT Stuttgart in 1999, the Festival international des musiques experimentales in Bourges in 1982 and 1998, the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) in 2000, the VIPER Festival in Basel in 2006, the EXPO2000 in Hannover, the Music Biennale Berlin in 2001, the Festival Inventionen Berlin in 1992, 1996, 1998 and 2002, the Festival Ultraschall Berlin in 2003, the York Spring Music Festival in 2012, the International Music Theater Gathering Freiburg in 1989, the Dresden Days of Contemporary Music in 1996, Festival ByPass Toulouse in 2015, the Nasz Festival Wroclaw in 2017 and so on.

His scenic and media works have been shown in places like the New National Gallery and the Bauhaus Archive Berlin, the Art Gallery Darmstadt, the Märkische Museum Witten, the Zuse Computer Museum Hoyerswerda, the Gold Hall of the Hessian Broadcasting Corporation, the Musiktheater im Revier Gelsenkirchen etc.

Among the artists of his compositions include ensembles such as the Radio Symphony Orchestra of the SWR, the Hessian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Arditti String Quartet, the Ensemble Recherche, Klangforum Wien and Musikfabrik NRW.

Compositions (selection)

"...hu ha..." UA Oldenburg State Theatre 1988 • "Im Anfänglichen läuft keine Spur – wer könnte da suchen" UA Berlin New National Gallery 1989 • "Der gebrochene Spiegel" UA Witten Days for New Chamber Music 1992 • "FM o99.5" UA Donaueschingen Music Days 1993 • "ƒlöte sounds & live-electronics" UA Berlin 1996
   "Blanco" UA Stuttgart Eclat 1999 • "Ein Quadratmeter Schwärze" UA Witten Days for New Chamber Music 1999 • "in nomine" UA Witten Days for New Chamber Music 1999 • "Streunende Zahlen" UA Hannover EXPO 2000 • "El mundo haz de tus imágenes" UA Berlin Music Biennale 2001 • "personal spaces" Darmstadt Intern. Summer Courses 2004 • "Grain" UA Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra of the SWR 2005 "city drives" UA Basel VIPER 2006 • "Augenblicke, in denen die Zeit sich spiegelt" UA Witten Days for New Chamber Music 2008 • "Schichtwechsel – temps et mouvement" UA Donaueschingen Music Days 2008 • "coupures de temps..." UA Cologne WDR Broadcasting Center 2009 • "craquelé" UA Frankfurt the Hessian Radio Symphony Orchestra 2010 • "rods and strings" UA Darmstadt International Summer Course for New Music 2014 • "rewrite 114" UA Wroclaw Nasz Festival 2017


Own writings: "franz martin olbrisch - Algorithmus und Event - Komponieren als wissendes Suchen", Saarbrücken 2008, (ed. F. Hilberg) • "I got involved in something I realize..." in: 20 JahreInventionen, Saarbrücken 2002 • "Akustisches Wegeleitsystem für die Singuhr - Hörgalerie in Parochial", in: Singuhr-Hörgalerie in Parochial, Saarbrücken 1998, (eds. S. Binas und C. Seiffarth) "Notation in der

Neuen Musik - Christoph Metzger und Ralph Hoyer im Gespräch mit Mario Bertoncini, Franz Martin Olbrisch und Dieter Schnebel" in: Musik im Dialog II, Saarbrücken 1999, (eds. Chr. Metzger und R. Hoyer)

誠摯歡迎 藝心弦樂四重奏 擔任本學系駐系弦樂四重奏

北藝大音樂學系 誠摯歡迎

2018英屬哥倫比亞大學Corey Hamm教授 系列活動


2018英屬哥倫比亞大學Corey Hamm教授  系列活動

13:10~14:50    國立臺北藝術大學音樂學系一館M101
Ancient Music from the Twentieth Century

13:30~15:10    國立臺北藝術大學音樂學系一館M101

19:30    國立臺北藝術大學音樂系二館演奏廳
《人民聯盟永遠不會被打敗》英屬哥倫比亞大學Corey Hamm教授鋼琴獨奏會
Frederic Rzewski (b. 1938):
The People United Will Never Be Defeated! (1975)


19:30    國立臺北藝術大學音樂廳

北藝大2018秋冬系列音樂會《英屬哥倫比亞大學Corey Hamm教授鋼琴獨奏會》

Sergei Prokofiev: Piano Sonata No. 8 in B–flat Major, Op. 84 (1944)

Henri Dutilleux: Piano Sonata (1946)

GAO Ping: Piano Sonata No. 1 “Floating Shadows” (2015)

Nikolai Kapustin: Piano Sonata No. 2, Op. 54

本場次音樂會  購票請洽兩廳院系統  https://goo.gl/BtsoUw


俄法經典—北藝大教授室內樂 TNUA Faculty Chamber Concert

TNUA Faculty Chamber Concert



Maurice Ravel: Piano Trio in A minor

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Piano Trio in A minor, Op. 50

購票這邊請  https://goo.gl/KfAWUc



兩廳院售票網 http://www.artsticket.com.tw,客服電話 (02) 3393-9888
藝大書店,客服電話 (02)-2893-8878
7-ELEVEN  ibon  http://www.ibon.com.tw0800-016-138
全家便利商店  FamiPort  http://www.famiport.com.tw0800-071-999
萊爾富便利商店  Life-ET  http://www.hilife.com.tw0800-022-118

本系列音樂會特別感謝  財團法人宗倬章先生教育基金會(TSUNG Cho-Chang Education Foundation)贊助
