

【Viola Master Class】 Toby Hoffman

Viola  Master Class

主講人:Toby Hoffman (國際中提琴演奏家)



N.Paganini:La campanella
Viola:蔡伯寅 Po-Yin, Tsai   Piano:鐘衡 Heng, Chung

P.Hindemith: Sonata for Viola and Piano, Op.11, No.4

Viola:孫上洋  Shang-Yang, Sun   Piano:陳韋琳 Wei-Lin, Chen

M.Ravel:String Quartet in F major
mov.3  Très lent

Violin:陳奕勇Josh Chen、張念欣Iris Chang
 Viola:蔡雅雲Alice Tsai  Cello:黃渝茹YuJu Huang


TOBY HOFFMAN-  Biography

In a distinguished career spanning three decades, conductor and violist Toby Hoffman has appeared at many of the world’s most prestigious international music festivals including the Salzburg, Ravinia, Mostly Mozart, Marlboro, Stavanger, Saratoga, and Hong Kong. He has been presented by Carnegie Hall, The Concertgebouw, Wigmore Hall, London South Bank, Suntory Hall, Lincoln Center, and La Scala. As a guest conductor and soloist, he has performed with many orchestras including the Philadelphia Orchestra, National Orchestra of Belgium, Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, Het Gelders Orchestra, Johannesburg Philharmonic, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, I Pomeriggi Musicali di Milano, Teatro di Genova, Orquesta Filharmónica de Cali, Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Costa Rica, Buffalo Philharmonic, Florida Orchestra, and the Prague Chamber Orchestra.

Born into a musical family, Toby Hoffman began his musical training at the age of six studying the violin with his mother, Esther Glazer. He continued his studies as a violist with Paul Doktor, graduating from the Juilliard School. He later studied conducting in Finland with Jorma Panula, where he became a conducting teacher at the Sibelius Academy.

Mr. Hoffman currently resides in Portugal, where he has been the Principal Conductor of the Orquestra Theatro and the Orquestra de Câmara do Minho.

【Violin Master Class】 林昭亮

Violin  Master Class




J.S. Bach: Partita No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006

E.Grieg Sonata No.2, Op.13
Movt.I Lento doloroso - Allegro vivace

S.Prokofiev:Sonata for 2 Violins


林昭亮近期的演出計畫橫跨多個領域。他在各大洲之間以獨奏家的身分巡迴演出,曾與美洲達拉斯樂團、多倫多樂團、休斯頓樂團、納什維爾樂團、底特律樂團、聖地牙哥樂團和洛杉磯室內樂團合作過;與歐洲樂團如貝根愛樂樂團、斯德哥爾摩愛樂樂團、慕尼克愛樂樂團以及英國室樂團同台演出;在亞洲,與香港愛樂樂團、新加坡交響樂團、馬來西亞愛樂樂團以及曼谷交響樂團共同演出。在 2010-2011 音樂季,他與上海交響樂團展開廣泛合作,任音樂季的特駐藝術家,除擔任獨奏和指揮、參加室內樂演出之外,並舉辦大師班教學。林先生熱愛當代音樂,曾與多位元作曲家合作並為其作品作世界首演,其中包括譚盾、喬爾霍夫曼 (Joel Hoffman)、約翰哈比森 (John Harbison)、克里斯多夫勞斯 (Christopher Rouse)、埃薩 - 佩卡·薩洛寧 (Esa-PekkaSalonen)、拉羅·斯齊弗林 (Lalo Schifrin)、保羅肖恩費德 (Paul Schoenfield)、盛宗亮、瓊陶爾 (Joan Tower) 等風格截然不同之作曲家。身為狂熱的室內樂音樂家,林昭亮除了參加北京音樂節之外,也定期在紐約林肯中心室內樂協會音樂季、阿斯本音樂節、聖達菲室內音樂節等演出。
2001 年起,林昭亮擔任拉荷亞音樂協會仲夏音樂節的音樂總監,從最初著重於純粹室內樂演出,發展到目前包含舞蹈、爵士和新興音樂節目等的多元化之音樂節,並委約許多作曲家創作新曲,其中包括奇克柯瑞亞 (Chick Corea)、斯蒂瓦特柯佩蘭 (Stewart Copeland)、里昂柯希納 ( Leon Kirchner)、克里斯多夫勞斯 (Christopher Rouse)、威恩舒特 (Wayne Shorter)、凱佳薩利亞霍 (Kaija Saariaho) 和岡瑟舒勒 (Gunther Schuller) 等。
林昭亮的音樂錄音全輯內容豐富,包括為索尼古典音樂、DeccaOndineNaxos BIS 等灌制的專輯。他的專輯榮獲多個獎項,包括被《留聲機》雜誌評為年度最佳唱片和兩次獲格萊美獎提名。他的專輯反映出其音樂生涯涉獵之廣,從標準的莫札特到斯特拉文斯基的小提琴協奏曲,從勃拉姆斯到拉威爾的室內樂和從陳怡到克里斯多夫勞斯的當代音樂。他最新發行的專輯是和世宗獨奏家室內樂團及安東尼紐曼 (Anthony Newman) 演奏的維瓦爾第 (Vivaldi) 的《四季》,由 Naxos 錄製的盛宗亮和金希文 (Gordon Chin) 合作的小提琴作品,以及由 Koch 錄製的喬治瓊塔基斯 (George Tsontakis) 作曲的《第一小提琴協奏曲》。

林昭亮 1960 年生於臺灣,5 歲開始隨李淑德 (Sylvia Lee) 學習小提琴。12 歲前往悉尼進修,師從羅伯比克勒 (Robert Pikler)。在悉尼,他受伊薩克帕爾曼 (Itzhak Perlman) 的啟發,於 1975 年赴紐約報考茱莉亞音樂學院,跟隨帕爾曼的老師多羅西迪蕾 (Dorothy DeLay) 女士學習六年。19 歲在紐約莫札特音樂節首次登臺,隨後與紐約愛樂樂團合作,開始其職業演奏生涯。2000 年,被《音樂美國》(Musical America) 雜誌評選為年度器樂演奏家1991 年,獲邀執教茱莉亞音樂學院;最近,他被聘為萊斯大學 Shepherd 音樂學院的小提琴教授。他演奏用的琴是斯特拉迪瓦裡在 1715 年製作的提香

【Composition for Film and Video Games&Master class】 Kenneth Lampl

Composition for Film and Video Games&Master class

主講人: Kenneth Lampl(澳洲大學(ANU) 的作曲組教授)



Born in 1964, Kenneth Lampl is currently the director of the Music Business and Technology program at Hofstra University. He received his D.M.A. in composition from the Juilliard School of Music, studying with Milton Babbitt and John Corigliano. His first international recognition came with the winning of the Prix Ravel in composition at the American Conservatory in Fontainebleau, France. Many awards soon followed including six ASCAP Composer Awards, two New Jersey State Council for the Arts Fellowships, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Awards to Young Composers, the Gretchanov Memorial Prize in Composition from the Juilliard School and fellowships from the foundations of Henry Mancini, George Gershwin, and Richard Rogers. With over twenty symphonic compositions to date, his music has been performed by such prestigious musical organizations as the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, the Kansas City Symphony, the Tanglewood Festival Orchestra, the Delaware Symphony, the Greenville Symphony, the Juilliard Orchestra, the Jupiter Symphony and the Absolute Ensemble.

His introduction to the world of film scoring came in 1997 with a fellowship to the Tanglewood Music Festival where he had the opportunity to study composition and conducting with John Williams. As a composer of film music Kenneth Lampl has scored over 40 feature films including: Frontera starring Ed Harris and Eva Longoria, 35 & Ticking starring Kevin Hart and Nicole Ari-Parker, Ninja’s Creed starring Pat Morita and Eric Roberts and Winter of Frozen Dreams starring Thora Birch and Keith Carradine. Lampl also composed additional music for Pokemon: The First Movie: Mew vs Mew Two, and Pokemon Mewtwo Returns.











【Hollywood Film Music from Mahler to Hans Zimmer】Kenneth Lampl

Hollywood Film Music from Mahler to Hans Zimmer    

主講人:Kenneth Lampl


Born in 1964, Kenneth Lampl is currently the director of the Music Business and Technology program at Hofstra University. He received his D.M.A. in composition from the Juilliard School of Music, studying with Milton Babbitt and John Corigliano. His first international recognition came with the winning of the Prix Ravel in composition at the American Conservatory in Fontainebleau, France. Many awards soon followed including six ASCAP Composer Awards, two New Jersey State Council for the Arts Fellowships, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Awards to Young Composers, the Gretchanov Memorial Prize in Composition from the Juilliard School and fellowships from the foundations of Henry Mancini, George Gershwin, and Richard Rogers. With over twenty symphonic compositions to date, his music has been performed by such prestigious musical organizations as the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, the Kansas City Symphony, the Tanglewood Festival Orchestra, the Delaware Symphony, the Greenville Symphony, the Juilliard Orchestra, the Jupiter Symphony and the Absolute Ensemble.

His introduction to the world of film scoring came in 1997 with a fellowship to the Tanglewood Music Festival where he had the opportunity to study composition and conducting with John Williams. As a composer of film music Kenneth Lampl has scored over 40 feature films including: Frontera starring Ed Harris and Eva Longoria, 35 & Ticking starring Kevin Hart and Nicole Ari-Parker, Ninja’s Creed starring Pat Morita and Eric Roberts and Winter of Frozen Dreams starring Thora Birch and Keith Carradine. Lampl also composed additional music for Pokemon: The First Movie: Mew vs Mew Two, and Pokemon Mewtwo Returns.