【Trio Concert】
演出者: 鋼
琴:杉蒲有朗 Nariaki
巴布Simona Barbu, cello
單簧管:葉明和 Min-Ho Yeh, clarinet
※北藝大修室內樂者 必到
8 Pieces for Clarinet, Cello and Piano, Op. 83
II. Allegro con moto
IV. Allegro agitato
V. Rumänische Melodie: Andante
VI. Nachtgesang: Andante con moto
VII. Allegro vivace, ma non troppo
Frédéric Chopin: Introduction and Polonaise Brillante in C major, Op. 3
~ Intermission
Robert Schumann: Fantasy Pieces for Clarinet and
Piano, Op. 73
Frédéric Chopin: Selections from 24 Preludes Op. 28
for Solo Piano
Astor Piazzolla: “Primavera Porteño” from Cuatro Estaciones
Porteñas (arranged by Nariaki Sugiura)
(arranged by Nariaki Sugiura)
Cantabile Biography
Duo Cantabile was
formed in 2012 by cellist Simona Barbu and pianist Nariaki Sugiura, two
musicians and university professors residing in Grand Forks, North Dakota. As a
duo, the two artists traveled extensively and gave performances, clinics,
lectures and master classes at many prestigious music institutions in the
world, including Gheorghe Dima Music Academy in Cluj (Romania), Staatliche
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Mannheim (Germany), Zoltan
Kodaly EZI Kecskemet (Hungary), Xinghai Conservatory of Music (China) and the
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.
duo has also participated in the performance series North Dakota Museum of Arts
Concert Series, Greencastle Summer Music Festival in Indiana, and Masterworks
Music Festival in Ohio. The Duo’s teaching and performing activities resulted
in receiving visiting professorships from East China Normal University,
honorable awards given to artists who have made significant contributions to
their institution. Duo’s concert programs often include unique cello-piano
transcriptions of music by Rachmaninoff, Piazzolla, Chopin, Brahms and many
An astounding international cellist, Simona Barbu began her musical studies
at age seven and gained public attention as a member of the leading string quartet of the Conservatory of
Timisoara in her native Romania, where she made her solo debut in Tchaikovsky’s
Variations on a Rococo Theme with the conservatory’s symphonic orchestra. Ever
since, she has traveled the world as a soloist, chamber musician, clinician,
and orchestra musician.
A dedicated teacher, Dr. Barbu has served as the
string faculty at Mississippi State University for four years, where she taught
strings and conducted the symphonic orchestra. In 2011, Dr. Barbu was appointed
Professor of Cello and Burgum Endowed Chair at the University of North Dakota,
where she currently teaches cello, string bass and chamber music. During
summers, she is a cello faculty at MasterWorks Festival.
International concert artist Nariaki Sugiura has performed solo recitals and concerto
engagements in the U.S., Europe, South America, and Asia at some of the most
prestigious concert halls including Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall,
Symphony Hall at Shenzhen Concert Hall (China), Ferenc Liszt Music Academy
Recital Hall (Hungary), Daejeon Arts and Cultural Center Hall (South Korea),
Manoel Theater (Malta), Kioi Hall (Japan), and Museo de Arte (Puerto Rico). He
has appeared as soloist with the Greater Grand Forks Symphony Orchestra, Bismarck-Mandan
Symphony Orchestra, Peking University Affiliated High School Concert band, UND
Chamber Orchestra, and many others. His arrangements for chamber ensembles and
piano ensembles have been frequently performed, and he has also conducted his
large ensemble arrangements.
A devoted teacher as well as performer, Dr.
Sugiura has become of the leading piano pedagogues of his generation. He has
given piano master classes at numerous institutions such as Civico Instituto
Musicale “V. Baravalle” (Italy), Leo Weiner Music Academy (Hungary), Shenyang
Conservatory of Music (China), National Kaohsiung Normal University (Taiwan),
Ewha Womens University and Sunhwa Arts High School (South Korea), Universitas
Pelita Harapan (Indonesia), St. Paul’s College (Hong Kong), and many other
music institutions around the world. Previously, he has taught at DePauw
University, Indiana University, and Lamont Summer Pre-College Music Academy in
Denver, and Guangdon University of Foreign Study in China. While he was at
Indiana University, he worked for a legendary cellist/pedagogue Janos Starker.
/ 鋼
Dr. Nariaki
Sugiura美國知名印第安納大學Jacobs 音樂學院鋼琴演奏博士,演奏碩士及鋼琴演奏學士。曾長期擔任該院專屬伴奏及鋼琴系講師。目前為UND( The University of North Darkota) 音樂院鋼琴系及鋼琴協同合作系首席教授,並為中國華東師範客座教授及廣東外語外貿大學藝術學院客座教授。2013年於中國聚橙網簽约傑出少年演奏家選拔賽及澳門亞太青少年鋼琴公開等賽事擔任評審委員,也曾於美國德州州朗德托普國際音樂節擔任專屬伴奏,更於美國DePauw大學音樂學院鋼琴系教授暨伴奏教授。擅長獨奏,室內樂,伴奏,與各種型態的演出,合作對象均為各樂器演奏家中的佼佼者。活耀於歐洲音樂舞台的杉浦教授在德國藝術達姆施塔特學院、匈牙利布達佩斯Leo Weiner音樂中學、羅馬尼亞蒂米什瓦拉音樂學院,意大利福薩諾市民音樂學院都曾擔任過客座教授。演奏足跡遍及美國各州,歐洲,中國,韓國,日本,以及義大利等各地,並已錄製九張錄音作品,如2012年在美國印第安那大學拉丁美洲中心錄製的作品: Piano de pampa y jungle “A Collection of Latin American Piano Musaic”(含鋼琴專輯及其他演出形式)。也多次指導國際音樂營,如美國科羅拉多州丹佛大學Lamont音樂學院夏季鋼琴教授,德州朗德托普國際音樂節。杉浦教授也常是比賽冠軍,如Indianapolis Matinee competition 首獎,日本東京都年度鋼琴大賽勇奪桂冠。並受邀擔任個國際賽事評審,如亞太青少年鋼琴公開賽、美國阿肯色州鋼琴大賽、美國MTNA音樂比賽等。除此之外,也改編多首古典音樂作品如Alkan大提琴奏鳴曲47號, 佛朗克大提琴奏鳴曲,拉赫曼尼諾夫大提琴奏鳴曲作品19等, 並於Ludwig Masters 公司出版。2016年暑期赴日本、台灣、德國等國家指導大師班及給予音樂會及系列講座,並得到熱烈迴響。2016年七月赴美國俄亥俄州Cedarville指導國際音樂夏令營。
西蒙娜 巴布 / 大提琴
國際大提琴家Simona Barbu出生於羅馬尼亞,七歲時開始了她的音樂學習,曾擔任蒂米甚瓦拉音樂學院的弦樂四重奏成員並獲得了公眾關注,並曾與音樂院交響樂團演出柴可夫斯基的⟪洛可可主題變奏曲⟫。從那以後,她以獨奏家、室內樂音樂家、講座大師以及樂團音樂家的身份走遍了世界。
Barbu博士是一位敬業的老師,曾在密西西比州立大學擔任四年弦樂教師,並在那裡教授弦樂並指揮交響樂團。 2011年,Barbu博士被任命為北達科他大學大提琴教授,她目前教授大提琴、低音提琴和室內樂。在夏季,她是MasterWorks Festival的大提琴教師。
葉明和 / 單簧管
國立台灣師範大學音樂系學士、美國新英格蘭音樂院碩士、以及美國印第安那大學音樂演奏博士。曾師事賴勇、賴高永、陳威稜、Thomas Martin和James Campbell。近年來曾受邀至新加坡楊秀桃音樂院舉辦大師班,並於山西太原、澳門、香港演藝學院、廈門大學、西安音樂院、鼓浪嶼、北京中央音樂院、韓國釜山等地演出。