
本(1101)學期研究所「2120013 鋼鼓音樂I」課程選課公告


邦恩莎老師 本學期於傳音系碩士班 開授「2120013 鋼鼓音樂I」(一學分)
時間: 每週二7,8節
地點: CHS 5 排練室
The Steel Band A class is offered exclusively to music majors so that they can have a performing music experience as well as a cultural awareness of non-classical music, instruments and rhythms.
By the end of the semester, students will have sufficient ability and rehearsal time to perform a series of pieces in various Caribbean styles. They will be able to execute correct notes, rhythms, dynamics and form and perform a concert.
Students will learn proper techniques for performance of the steel pans. Music repertory includes Trinidadian calypso, Jamaican reggae and Brazilian bossa nova.
#首次於碩班開授鋼鼓音樂課程, 機會難得, 請把握機會!!!!