



韓國首爾國立藝術大學「NONG PROJECT


1. 指定弦樂四重奏之四樣樂器,樂器不可增多,可以減少,樂器不可更改。

2. 曲長6分鐘以內。正取2名,備取若干名,未去過者優先。

3. 自備來回機票。食宿韓國招待。

4. 報名請6/7(大學部)6/8(研究所)中午12點以前,於繳交期末作品之同時,向承恩助教登記。該作品如與繳交期末作品相同時,於作品封面註明即可。不然須另繳交作品一份。每人至多可以2件作品報名參加,錄取則至多一件。

5. 評審於期末考同時舉行,隨後公告!

6. 本公告已上網,附紙本如下:

 NONG PROJECT 2012 Request for Participation

From: 'NONG PROJECT 2012' Preparatory Committee
         (Music of School, Korea National University of Arts)
Received: Toho Gakuen School of Music , Taipei National University of Arts , and Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Title: 'NONG PROJECT 2012' Request for Participation
The School of Music of Korea University of Arts invites three participants to the international creative music festival, "Nong Project 2012" which will be held from September 24 to 26 at KNUA Hall of Korea National University of Arts, as follows :
The number of participants : 1 Professor + 2 Students
    Nong Project hopes to see new composers and their works in the festival.
Instrumentation : the compositions submitted for NONG 2012 can use one to four players from the following instrumentation : [2 Violins, Viola, Cello]
   -But, except for String Quartet, duplicating same instruments is not permitted.
Duration: Within 6 minutes(students)
   When participants send their works, they also should send the explanation of works and their brief profile(English) with works to the following address :

       The Korea National University of Arts
       School of Music
       Department of Composition
       2374 Nambusunhwan-ro, Seocho-dong,
       Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
        E-mail: jn77andk@gmail.com
1) If participants send e-mail, please send works in PDF file format.
2) the explanation of works should include the title, instrument and duration of works (English)
3) Participants's profile should include their picture.
4) Score and other materials should be received by June 30, 2012

While you are staying in Korea, we will provide the accommodation. We wish you continued success and for further information, please contact us at the address below :
'NONG PROJECT 2012' Preparatory Committee
  Assistant. Yejin Kang (E-mail: jn77andk@gmail.com)

March 29, 2012
Korea National University of Arts
 Music of School
The dean of department of Composition
Sung-Ki Kim