


北藝大鋼鼓樂團即將在六月八日及九日兩天中午十二點十五分 於北藝大咖啡店旁演出, 曲目包含來自千里達的Calypso音樂、牙買加的雷鬼節奏、巴西的bossa nova 風格,其中兩首相當特別是由流行歌曲重新編曲…有Lady Gaga的”Bad Romance”和Abba的” Take a chance on me “。這個鋼鼓樂團是由Sarah Barnes-Tsai教授指導已有二十一年。最初成立於1988年,是由Al O'Connor(名譽教授)和Clifford Alexis兩位來自北伊利諾大學的教授創立至今。這些樂器每件都是由Cliff教授親自手工製作而成,所演出的作品皆由Sarah教授編曲﹗﹗﹗

The TNUA Steel Bands will have two performances on the TNUA campus in front of the Coffee Shop on June 8 and June 9 starting at 12:15 p.m. Calypso music from Trinidad, reggae rhythm from Jamaica, bossa nova style from Brazil and 2 new arrangements, Bad Romance by Lady Gaga and Take a Chance on Me by Abba will be featured. The bands have been directed by Sarah Barnes-Tsai for the past 21 years. The original group was started in 1988 by Al O'Connor (prof. emeritus) and Clifford Alexis both from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. All instruments were handmade by Cliff and all arrangements are written by Sarah.