1/1~1/10 受理98學年度下學期鋼琴伴奏申請
98學年度下學期 鋼琴伴奏申請辦法 (請按右鍵下載)
1. 2010/ 1/ 1~1/10 受理登記98學年度下學期畢業製作音樂會、實習音樂會、期末考試的申請。 98下學期僅開放本次申請,有意申請者請注意時間。
2. 98下學期開放申請名額:大學及碩博班畢業製作音樂會7~8場、期末考或實習音樂會考試3~4名,以上共10~12名。
3. 請於音樂系辦公室索取表格或於最新動態http://music.tnua.edu.tw/music/form/982accompaniment.doc 下載表格填寫 (請按右鍵下載word檔),接受E-mail及書面申請,E-mail 請寄至 wenchuan.wang@gmail.com,依據年級、主修組別、上課時間是否衝突、申請時間等原則考量,並統一於1/11 (一) 公告申請名單與排練時間。
4. 伴奏排練內容:
(1) 每個人每週可以安排兩小時,採固定時間制,例:A同學固定每週一15:00-16:00排練、每周三10:00-11:00 主修老師上課,若該周取消排練或上課伴奏,時間不另安排。主修老師大班課時間可再另外安排,不在此限。
(2 ) 排練與上課時間為以週間白天時間為主,排練地點在北藝大音樂系館。
(3) 畢製週因為配合展演廳彩排時間,屆時時間會有調動,請同學體諒並互相配合。
(4) 伴奏排練申請用途以校內音樂會考試為主,個人用途的錄音、比賽、研究所考試等非系上活動不在此申請範圍內。
連結: http://music.tnua.edu.tw/music/form/982accompaniment.doc
演出時間 / 2009年12月26日(星期六)14:30
演出時間 / 2009年12月26日(星期六)14:30
演出地點 / 國立臺北藝術大學音樂廳
鋼琴/李芳宜、小提琴/Guillaume Plays、蘇顯達、陳恩加、中提琴/王瑞、何君恆、大提琴/鄭伊晴、劉姝嫥
「悠然的情懷」音樂會是由北藝大絃樂教授與二位旅居法國的音樂家:鋼琴家李芳宜與小提琴家Guillaume Plays,一起合作演出的室內樂音樂會,音樂會將帶來布拉姆斯帶有誨暗色彩的G小調第一號鋼琴四重奏,與蕭頌抒情詩意為小提琴、鋼琴與絃樂四重奏的D大調協奏曲,淡淡憂鬱細膩的情感藉由樂音展現,歡迎喜愛音樂的聽眾一起參與其中。
鋼琴/李芳宜、小提琴/Guillaume Plays、蘇顯達、陳恩加、中提琴/王瑞、何君恆、大提琴/鄭伊晴、劉姝嫥
「悠然的情懷」音樂會是由北藝大絃樂教授與二位旅居法國的音樂家:鋼琴家李芳宜與小提琴家Guillaume Plays,一起合作演出的室內樂音樂會,音樂會將帶來布拉姆斯帶有誨暗色彩的G小調第一號鋼琴四重奏,與蕭頌抒情詩意為小提琴、鋼琴與絃樂四重奏的D大調協奏曲,淡淡憂鬱細膩的情感藉由樂音展現,歡迎喜愛音樂的聽眾一起參與其中。
Johannes Brahms: Piano Quartet No.1 in G Minor, Op.25
Ernest Chausson: Concert in D Major for Violin, Piano and String Quartet, Op.21
Johannes Brahms: Piano Quartet No.1 in G Minor, Op.25
Ernest Chausson: Concert in D Major for Violin, Piano and String Quartet, Op.21
進一步節目資訊:請上http://tnua-music.blogspot.com/查詢。票價:每場次每人100元;學生與持有「藝大之友創意卡」者,憑證件在「藝大書店」購票,可享5折優惠!凡設籍於士林、北投、淡水、八里、五股者,憑證件在「藝大書店」購票,享有八折優惠。本系列所有節目,皆非「親子節目」,身高未達110公分之兒童,請勿入場。售票處:兩廳院售票系統 http://www.artsticket.com.tw/,客服電話 (02) 3393-9888。交通資訊:詳細捷運專車行駛路線與時刻表,請上http://general.tnua.edu.tw/doc/table/bus.doc查詢。
Prof. Kyoko Hashimoto Recital 示範演出
時間: 2009 年12 月16日(一) 19:00
地點: 音樂系二館601
鋼琴- Prof. Kyoko Hashimoto
小提琴-宗緒嫻 教授
Franz Schubert 4 Impromptus Op. post 142, D. 935
F minor, Allegro moderato
Ab major, Allegretto
Bb major, Andante, (Theme and Variations)
F minor, Allegro scherzando
Claude Debussy From Preludes Deuxième Livre :-
Ⅶ. La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune: Lent
Ⅷ. Ondine : Scherzando
Ⅸ. Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C. : Grave
Ⅹ. Canope : Très calme et doucement triste
Ⅺ. Les tierces alternées : Modérément animé
Ⅻ. Feux d'artifice Modérément animé
Richard Strauss Sonata in E flat op. 18 for Violin and Piano
I. Allegro ma non troppo
II. Improvisation - Andante cantabile
III. Finale - Andante, Allegro
地點: 音樂系二館601
鋼琴- Prof. Kyoko Hashimoto
小提琴-宗緒嫻 教授
Franz Schubert 4 Impromptus Op. post 142, D. 935
F minor, Allegro moderato
Ab major, Allegretto
Bb major, Andante, (Theme and Variations)
F minor, Allegro scherzando
Claude Debussy From Preludes Deuxième Livre :-
Ⅶ. La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune: Lent
Ⅷ. Ondine : Scherzando
Ⅸ. Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C. : Grave
Ⅹ. Canope : Très calme et doucement triste
Ⅺ. Les tierces alternées : Modérément animé
Ⅻ. Feux d'artifice Modérément animé
Richard Strauss Sonata in E flat op. 18 for Violin and Piano
I. Allegro ma non troppo
II. Improvisation - Andante cantabile
III. Finale - Andante, Allegro
演出時間 / 2009年12月25日(星期五)19:30
演出地點 / 國立臺北藝術大學音樂廳
指揮/ François Boulanger、小提琴/Guillaume Plays、鋼琴/李芳宜、北藝大管絃樂團
北藝大音樂學系於2009年歲末特別邀請到曾贏得巴黎、貝桑松與日內瓦三項指揮大賽,目前擔任法國共和侍衛隊管絃樂團(Orchestre de la Garde Républicaine)指揮的法蘭索瓦.布朗杰(François Boulanger),與二位旅居法國的音樂家:義大利Vercelli之Viotti室內樂國際大賽第二獎及佛羅倫斯室內樂國際大賽第三獎,目前擔任法國共和禁衛軍交響樂團第一小提琴首席的小提琴家吉爾曼‧普雷茲(Guillaume Plays)及任教於Villeneuve Saint Georges音樂學院的鋼琴家李芳宜,與北藝大管絃樂團共同演出,呈現濃厚北歐色彩的西貝流士D小調小提琴協奏曲及普羅高菲夫華麗新穎的C大調第三號鋼琴協奏曲,此外也安排杜卡斯璀璨的交響詩「魔法師的門徒」及拉威爾豐富華美的圓舞曲,歡迎您一起來參與,親自體驗「巴黎之魅」!
Paul Dukas: "L'apprenti sorcier"
Jean Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op.47
Serge Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.3 in C Major Op.26
Maurice Ravel: "La valse"
Paul Dukas: "L'apprenti sorcier"
Jean Sibelius: Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op.47
Serge Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.3 in C Major Op.26
Maurice Ravel: "La valse"
進一步節目資訊:請上http://tnua-music.blogspot.com/查詢。票價:每場次每人100元;學生與持有「藝大之友創意卡」者,憑證件在「藝大書店」購票,可享5折優惠!凡設籍於士林、北投、淡水、八里、五股者,憑證件在「藝大書店」購票,享有八折優惠。本系列所有節目,皆非「親子節目」,身高未達110公分之兒童,請勿入場。售票處:兩廳院售票系統 http://www.artsticket.com.tw/,客服電話 (02) 3393-9888。交通資訊:詳細捷運專車行駛路線與時刻表,請上http://general.tnua.edu.tw/doc/table/bus.doc查詢。
演出時間 / 2009年12月19日(星期六)14:30
演出地點 / 國立臺北藝術大學音樂廳
柯瑞里:第八號G小調大協奏曲,作品6Arcangelo Corelli:Concerto Grosso in G Minor Op. 6 No. 8
Benjamin Britten: Simple Symphony, Op.4
Felix Mendelssohn: Sinfonia No. 2 in D major for String Orchestra
Claude Debussy: Andantino for String Orchestra (from the the String Quartet, Op.10)
Gustav Holst: St. Paul’s Suite for String Orchestra
售票處:兩廳院售票系統 http://www.artsticket.com.tw/,客服電話 (02) 3393-9888 (02) 3393-9888。交通資訊:詳細捷運專車行駛路線與時刻表,請上http://general.tnua.edu.tw/doc/table/bus.doc查詢。
Prof.Kyoko Hashimoto 鋼琴與室內樂大師班
時間: 2009年12月14日(一) 13:10~14:50
地點: 二館M2601
Kyoko Hashimoto<
Legendary pianist and teacher, Gyögy Sebök described Kyoko Hashimoto “extraordinary musical talent” “one of the finest of her generation”.
Kyoko Hashimoto was born in Tokyo and began to study the piano at the age of three. After graduating from the Toho-Gakuen School of Music in Tokyo, she studied at the International Menuhin Music Academy, Indiana University and the Juilliard School. She received full scholarships from the Menuhin Academy and the Juilliard School. Among her teachers were György Sebök, Menahem Pressler, György Janzer, William Masselos, György Sandor, Felix Galimir, György Kurtág and Ferenc Rados.
She has been regularly performing throughout the world, so far in more than 25 countries, including many major cities and halls such as the Wigmore Hall in London, the Lincoln Center and the Carnegie Hall in New York, the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, etc. She has been invited to many important festivals including the Prague Spring Festival, the Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival, the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, the Pacific Music Festival and the Saito Kinen Festival. Besides performing Solo recitals and Concertos with distinguished orchestras such as the Prague Chamber philharmonic Orchestra and the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, she has performed many duo recitals with Ruggiero Ricci(Vn), Thomas Zehetmair(Vn) and Antonio Meneses(Vc), and duo and chamber music concerts with artists such as Sandor Vegh(Vn), Mischa Maisky(Vc), Jean-Jacque Kantorow(Vn), Aaron Rosand(Vn), Ralph Kirshbaum(Vc), Steven Isserlis(Vc), András Adorján(Fl), Patrick Gallois(Fl), Maurice Bourgue(Ob), Hansjörg Schellenberger(Ob), Barry Tuckwell(Hr), Atar Arad(Va), Anthony Marwood(Vn), Nobuko Imai(Va) Sergio Azzolini(Fg), Isabelle van Keulen(Vn), Chantal Juillet(Vn), Hermann Baumann(Hr), Regis Pasquier(Vn), Matt Haimovitz(Vc) and Bruno Giuranna(Va).
Ms. Hashimoto was awarded numerous prizes such as the 1st grand prize and the public prize at the Concours International de Musique Française, the top prize at the Concours Musical de France, and the special prizes at the Budapest International Music Competition and at the Spohr International Competition. She has recorded many times for TV and radio all over the world including a series of 20 works by Beethoven for Dutch radio. She has also made more than a dozen CD-recordings, including the early piano pieces (all the Preludes+4 pieces) by Messiaen, 34 piano pieces by Schumann, and 24 Preludes by Scriabin combined with 24 Preludes by Shostakovich. She is Associate Professor of Piano at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and was on the piano faculty and the chamber music faculty of the Utrecht Conservatory in Holland for 12 years. She has been invited many times as a visiting professor at the European Mozart Academy in Poland and in the Czech Republic and at the International Chamber Music Academy in the Czech Republic. as well as at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the Trinity College in London. She has been the Artistic Director of the International Music Workshop in the Czech Republic, Germany and in Portugal since 2004. She has also given master classes in France, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, the Czech Republic, U.S.A. Holland, Germany and Japan.
Kyoko Hashimoto was born in Tokyo and began to study the piano at the age of three. After graduating from the Toho-Gakuen School of Music in Tokyo, she studied at the International Menuhin Music Academy, Indiana University and the Juilliard School. She received full scholarships from the Menuhin Academy and the Juilliard School. Among her teachers were György Sebök, Menahem Pressler, György Janzer, William Masselos, György Sandor, Felix Galimir, György Kurtág and Ferenc Rados.
She has been regularly performing throughout the world, so far in more than 25 countries, including many major cities and halls such as the Wigmore Hall in London, the Lincoln Center and the Carnegie Hall in New York, the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, etc. She has been invited to many important festivals including the Prague Spring Festival, the Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival, the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, the Pacific Music Festival and the Saito Kinen Festival. Besides performing Solo recitals and Concertos with distinguished orchestras such as the Prague Chamber philharmonic Orchestra and the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, she has performed many duo recitals with Ruggiero Ricci(Vn), Thomas Zehetmair(Vn) and Antonio Meneses(Vc), and duo and chamber music concerts with artists such as Sandor Vegh(Vn), Mischa Maisky(Vc), Jean-Jacque Kantorow(Vn), Aaron Rosand(Vn), Ralph Kirshbaum(Vc), Steven Isserlis(Vc), András Adorján(Fl), Patrick Gallois(Fl), Maurice Bourgue(Ob), Hansjörg Schellenberger(Ob), Barry Tuckwell(Hr), Atar Arad(Va), Anthony Marwood(Vn), Nobuko Imai(Va) Sergio Azzolini(Fg), Isabelle van Keulen(Vn), Chantal Juillet(Vn), Hermann Baumann(Hr), Regis Pasquier(Vn), Matt Haimovitz(Vc) and Bruno Giuranna(Va).
Ms. Hashimoto was awarded numerous prizes such as the 1st grand prize and the public prize at the Concours International de Musique Française, the top prize at the Concours Musical de France, and the special prizes at the Budapest International Music Competition and at the Spohr International Competition. She has recorded many times for TV and radio all over the world including a series of 20 works by Beethoven for Dutch radio. She has also made more than a dozen CD-recordings, including the early piano pieces (all the Preludes+4 pieces) by Messiaen, 34 piano pieces by Schumann, and 24 Preludes by Scriabin combined with 24 Preludes by Shostakovich. She is Associate Professor of Piano at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and was on the piano faculty and the chamber music faculty of the Utrecht Conservatory in Holland for 12 years. She has been invited many times as a visiting professor at the European Mozart Academy in Poland and in the Czech Republic and at the International Chamber Music Academy in the Czech Republic. as well as at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the Trinity College in London. She has been the Artistic Director of the International Music Workshop in the Czech Republic, Germany and in Portugal since 2004. She has also given master classes in France, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, the Czech Republic, U.S.A. Holland, Germany and Japan.
加拿大UBC低音管教授Jesse Read在北藝大演出
由北藝大低音管校友與國內優秀低音管精英組成的「藝術室內樂團」,邀請北藝大姐妹校─加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學UBC管擊樂主任,資深低音管教授Jesse Read,與日本最優秀的低音管音樂作曲/編曲家 倉橋日出夫,將於12月7日晚上7:30,假北藝大音樂廳演出「2009秋季音樂會」。本次演出特別也邀請校內鋼琴、弦樂與管樂新秀一同演出豐富又悅耳動聽的曲目!
* 現場免費索票入場
* 本校音樂系學生可登記專題演講場次
* 本校音樂系學生可登記專題演講場次
◇節目內容 ◇
1. 侯志正 : 夜 曲
低音管:王映丹 陳奕秀 陳承恩 劉澤文
2. 皮亞佐拉 : 天使的組曲
小提琴:胡庭瑄 邱若茵
中提琴: 蘇哲弘
3 . 瓊 翁: 室內交響曲 作品27 號
鋼琴: 王文娟
雙簧管:林慧萍 小提琴:胡庭瑄
單簧管:王采綺 中提琴:賴亭瑄
法國號:王廣圓 大提琴:張琪翊
低音管:邱文瑜 低音大提琴:陳美君
4. 低音管大合奏 編曲:倉橋日出夫
節慶序曲 作品96號 蕭斯塔科維奇
崖上的波妞 (宮崎駿) 久石讓
1. 侯志正 : 夜 曲
低音管:王映丹 陳奕秀 陳承恩 劉澤文
2. 皮亞佐拉 : 天使的組曲
小提琴:胡庭瑄 邱若茵
中提琴: 蘇哲弘
3 . 瓊 翁: 室內交響曲 作品27 號
鋼琴: 王文娟
雙簧管:林慧萍 小提琴:胡庭瑄
單簧管:王采綺 中提琴:賴亭瑄
法國號:王廣圓 大提琴:張琪翊
低音管:邱文瑜 低音大提琴:陳美君
4. 低音管大合奏 編曲:倉橋日出夫
節慶序曲 作品96號 蕭斯塔科維奇
崖上的波妞 (宮崎駿) 久石讓