
Prof. William Drabkin 大師講座

Prof. William Drabkin 大師講座



William Drabkin 博士為當今最重要的音樂學者之一,他有關古典音樂的研究與宣克分析法的研究是國際公認的權威,他更是Grove’s音樂大辭典的編輯者之一。Drabkin 博士為英國Southampton大學的教授,音樂分析學會副會長。他的每一本或每一篇著作都深獲肯定。
北藝大音樂系計畫邀請Drabkin 博士駐校一個月,傳授重要之音樂理論。

Drabkin 博士之近作─完成了「莫札特一首未完成之雙簧管協奏曲第一樂章」,Drabkin 博士亦將指導本系管絃樂團演出本曲之亞洲首演。

【Prof. William Drabkin個人簡歷】
My main interests are the Classical and Romantic periods, chamber music, and music analysis. In the past I have offered unit courses on late Beethoven, Wagner's Ring cycle, the piano concerto, Mozart's Italian operas, and chamber music from Haydn to Bartók. Currently I teach music analysis to postgraduates and harmony, counterpoint and tonal composition at all undergraduate levels. I have a special interest in composers’ sketches and early drafts, and have recently completed a movement from an Oboe Concerto that Mozart started composing in 1778; this will be performed by Andrew Knights with the Southampton Youth Orchestra in January 2008. Other works of mine have been performed at the Southampton Festival of Music and Drama, and by the Hampshire County Youth Orchestra's double reed ensemble.
My research began in the field of Beethoven sketches, with a dissertation on the last piano sonata, Op. 111. Currently I am completing editions of Beethoven's sketchbooks from 1821 and 1822, a period during which he composed the last two piano sonatas and completed the Missa solemnis. My two-volume edition, in English translation, of Heinrich Schenker's Der Tonwille completes a long-term project to provide scholarly English-language editions of all Schenker's major writings from the 1920s; this was awarded a Special Citation by the Society for Music Theory in 2005. The journal Music Analysis published a transcription and translation of Schenker's Decline of the Art of Composition, a long essay conceived as a a supplement to his Harmonielehre of 1906.
I am Vice-President of the Society for Music Analysis, and Chair of the editorial board of Music Analysis; I also serve on the editorial board of Beethoven Forum, and the Italian-based Ad Parnassum and Rivista di Analisi e Teoria Musicale.