
108學年第1學期<大學部個別課與室內樂術科進度表> 期中系上查核日期 : 僅訂於 108年11月5日(二) 17:00前收件!

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期中系上查核日期 :

108年11月5日(二) 17:00前收件




PS. 無論你上課正常與否,都須繳交.

【String Quartet Master Class】Marc Danel

String Quartet Master Class

主講人: Marc Danel

地點: 北藝大音樂一館M302

J.Haydn: String Quartet op.33 no.2

mvt. I. Allegro moderato
    Violin I   :吳儬雯 Ching Wen Wu
Violin II : 林晴薇Cing Wei Lin
Viola : 黃柏晨Bo Chen Huang
  Cello : 曾聖惠 Sheng Hui Zeng

L. v. Beethoven: String Quartet in F major, Op. 59-1, “Razumovsky”,
mvt. I. Allegro

 Violin I :張念欣 Iris Chang
       Violin II:陳奕勇Yi-Yung Chen
Viola:蔡伯寅Po-Yin Tsai
       Cello:簡彤安 Tung-An Chien

B.Smetana: String Quartets No.1 in E minor
mvt. I. Allegro Vivian appassionato
    Violin I  :李祁螢 Chi Ying,Lee
              Violin II楊勝閎 Sheng Hong,Yang
 Viola:黎芷晴 Chih Ching,Li
Cello:黃渝茹 Yu Ju,Huang

Marc Danel was born in France and grew up in Lille, where he learned violin with his sister and with Jezdimir Vujicic. He went then to study in Cologne by Prof Igor Ozim, where he finished brilliantly his study in 1992.

In 1991, he founded the Danel Quartet, with whom he had been studying extensively with the Amadeus and Borodin Quartets, as well as with Pierre Penassou, Hugh Maguire, Walter Levin and Fiodor Druzhinin.
As leader of the quartet, he was major prizewinner of all the six competitions where he took part, from 1991 to 1995, including Evian, London, St Petersburg.

Since 1991, he did more than 2500 concerts with the quartet, playing in many of the major halls in Europe, USA, Russia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South America, Central Asia. He has been recording more than 20 CDs, who have been rewarded many awards in Europe and the US.
He has been performing the complete cycle of Shostakovitch quartets more than 25 times in concert, and often the cycle of quartets by Beethoven, Weinberg or Bartok.
With his quartet, he participated widely in the rediscovery of the great soviet composer Mechtislav Weinberg, playing his quartets extensively since the 90s and having done the still only complete recording of his 17 string quartets, which ended in 2009. In 2019, for the centenary of the composer, he is going to perform 7 times the complete cycle of quartets, from which he has done the first performance of some of them.
With the quartet, he is in residence at Manchester University.
Marc Danel is artistic leader of the Dutch National String Quartet Academy (NSKA), from which many of its students have won major competitions.
He is also currently teaching in CNSDM Lyon and IMEP Namur.
He did Master Classes in all the major countries in Europe, USA, Japan, Taiwan, Bielorussia, and has a regular collaboration with the National Youth Orchestra of Chile, playing concerts and doing Master Classes.

【Violin Master Class】 Marc Danel

Violin Master Class

主講人:Marc Danel


地點: 北藝大音樂一館M102

J. Brahms Violin Sonata No. 3 in D minor, Op. 108,
Mvt. 1 Allegro

Violin:張念欣 Iris Chang

Piano: 劉伃芯Yu-Shin, Liou 

Ysaye:No.3 Ballade

Violin: 嚴宇光 Yu-Kuang, Yen

Marc Danel was born in France and grew up in Lille, where he learned violin with his sister and with Jezdimir Vujicic. He went then to study in Cologne by Prof Igor Ozim, where he finished brilliantly his study in 1992.

In 1991, he founded the Danel Quartet, with whom he had been studying extensively with the Amadeus and Borodin Quartets, as well as with Pierre Penassou, Hugh Maguire, Walter Levin and Fiodor Druzhinin.
As leader of the quartet, he was major prizewinner of all the six competitions where he took part, from 1991 to 1995, including Evian, London, St Petersburg.

Since 1991, he did more than 2500 concerts with the quartet, playing in many of the major halls in Europe, USA, Russia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South America, Central Asia. He has been recording more than 20 CDs, who have been rewarded many awards in Europe and the US.
He has been performing the complete cycle of Shostakovitch quartets more than 25 times in concert, and often the cycle of quartets by Beethoven, Weinberg or Bartok.
With his quartet, he participated widely in the rediscovery of the great soviet composer Mechtislav Weinberg, playing his quartets extensively since the 90s and having done the still only complete recording of his 17 string quartets, which ended in 2009. In 2019, for the centenary of the composer, he is going to perform 7 times the complete cycle of quartets, from which he has done the first performance of some of them.
With the quartet, he is in residence at Manchester University.
Marc Danel is artistic leader of the Dutch National String Quartet Academy (NSKA), from which many of its students have won major competitions.
He is also currently teaching in CNSDM Lyon and IMEP Namur.
He did Master Classes in all the major countries in Europe, USA, Japan, Taiwan, Bielorussia, and has a regular collaboration with the National Youth Orchestra of Chile, playing concerts and doing Master Classes.







地點: 北藝大音樂一館M218


賴怡蓉 / Double Bass

學歷 /

2017  慕尼黑音樂戲劇學院  師事 Nabil Shehata

2012  台北藝術大學音樂系  師事 饒大鷗

工作經歷 /

2019   巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團  低音提琴約聘團員

2018   法蘭克福歌劇院暨博物館交響樂團   低音提琴副首席

2017   巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團   低音提琴約聘團員

2015   巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團   低音提琴學員

2014   北德廣播易北愛樂樂團   低音提琴學員          

2008    AYO亞洲青年交響樂團

比賽經歷 /

2012   北市交明日之星

2005   永豐愛樂古典菁英獎

【Bassoon &Orchestral Excerpts Master Class】 Daniel Matsukawa

Bassoon &Orchestral Excerpts Master Class

  主講人:Daniel Matsukawa (費城管弦樂團低音管首席)



W. A. Mozart Bassoon Concerto in B-flat Major
Mvt.I Allegro

P. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.4
Mvt.II solo to the end
L. van Beethoven: Symphony No.4
Mvt. IV, mm. 15-25, 184-188, 300-303, 348-end
Bassoon:黃郁淳 Yu-Chung, Huang
Piano: 何佳怡 Chia-Yi, Ho

Allan Stephenson: Concerto for bassoon and strings
 Mov2 Lento & Mov3 Alla Marcia :vivace
Bassoon: 李佳霖 Jialin, Lee
Piano: 游立佳Lichia Yu

Gabriel Grovlez: Sicilienne et Allegro Giocoso For Bassoon and Piano
Bassoon: 張祐瑜 Yu-Yu, Chang
Piano:陳美禔 Mei-Ti, Chen

Daniel Matsukawa2000年開始擔任費城管弦樂團低音管首席,並任教於Curtis音樂院、Temple大學,也是日本太平洋音樂節的常任師資之一。曾擔任美國NSOSaint Louis SymphonyVirginia SymphonyMemphis Symphony等樂團低音管首席。目前也涉獵指揮,並私底下跟Curtis音樂院的指揮教授Otto Werner Mueller學習。



大教室使用登記表 橘色表格 為課表上之既定課程;藍色表格 為已登記借出;灰色表格 為不開放時間。

上課時間為12 8:30-10:103410:30-12:105613:30-15:107815:30-17:1091017:30-19:10如果課表排有課程,同學借用時間請自10:3012:3015:3017:30開始借用,切勿提前進入教室影響老師上課。



北藝大管絃樂團2019秋冬音樂會 TNUA Orchestra Fall- Winter Concert 2019


TNUA Orchestra Fall- Winter Concert 2019




       「梶間的音樂震撼著觀眾的內心和靈魂」,這是芝加哥論壇報的樂評對他所下的評筆。指揮家梶間曾在知名音樂營檀格塢Tanglewood中隨伯恩斯坦、小澤征爾,及史拉特金Leonard Slatkin等大師學習,在音樂藝術上的才能和領導能力備受矚目,由於梶間在音樂上忠於藝術的特殊個人風格,以及他直接與觀眾交流的強烈音樂感染力,使得他的足跡遍佈世界各地。

Hwang-Long Pan: Harmony of the World for Orchestra (1987)

Johannes Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Haydn, Op. 56a

Antonín Dvořák: Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95, From the New World

購票這邊請  http://bit.ly/32OsP7T



兩廳院售票網 http://www.artsticket.com.tw,客服電話 (02) 3393-9888
藝大書店,客服電話 (02)-2893-8878
7-ELEVEN  ibon  http://www.ibon.com.tw0800-016-138
全家便利商店  FamiPort  http://www.famiport.com.tw0800-071-999
萊爾富便利商店  Life-ET  http://www.hilife.com.tw0800-022-118

本系列音樂會特別感謝  財團法人宗倬章先生教育基金會(TSUNG Cho-Chang Education Foundation)贊助
